Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Road Trip

We're headed to Montana in a couple of days for Thanksgiving. It's really more of a hunting trip, but whatever. Thanksgiving and Hunting are pretty much interchangeable this time of year. I have to admit, I NEVER thought I'd marry a hunter. My first huntin' outing was also my last and it lasted for about 10 minutes. It's was probably one of our first fights as a married couple too.
Shane: "Sit still d@#* it!"
Carrie: "I can't even Shiver? Forget this, I'm going home."
Note: Since I'm the one writing this, I can make myself look more innocent than I probably was.

Moving on, hopefully we'll bring back enough elk meat to satisfy us for the next year. (I put my foot down at deer meat, it's not worth the freezer space.) Here are some pictures of "Thanksgiving/huntin' parties" of the past.

Here are four of the Hughes boys. Travis isn't here because he doesn't hunt. Actually, he's a vegetarian. If a vegetarian can be raised from this family, there's nothing that can't happen:)

I got a phone call from my 5 year old nephew today and he told me all about the 5 point bucks roaming the Many Lakes area and the pheasants and ducks they shot at Grandma's pond. I wish I could have recorded the call. He sounds like he's been hunting for 30 years minimum.

What, you don't let your two year old daughters play with elk heads lying around in the back yard? tsk tsk tsk.
Personally, I'm really excited this Thanksgiving to see Twilight. We're leaving on Thursday which means I won't be able to go with my girlfriends, so unfortunately for Shane, he's promised to go with me. Although I'm excited to see it, I have to admit my hopes aren't that high for this movie. Granted, I've never seen a movie that's as good as the book, but this movie especially might be a little too "teenage" for me. We'll see I guess.
I hope everyone has a great Holiday and travels safely to their destinations. I'll have a full "elk meat" and "Twilight" report when we return.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm a Trunk-or-Treat convert

I just love them. It's a great way to get lots of candy in a short amount of time and see a lot of great costumes. There's also the added benefit of socializing for the adults. This year our ward did a trunk or treat. We sent flyers around the whole neighborhood and made signs in the street to advertize. It was a big success and lots of people showed up. Unfortunately I was so busy planning parts of the trunk or treat and making my kids' costumes that I didn't put anything together for myself. So, I went as the woman who made her kids costumes. Here they are:

Here's Avery's. She's got a whole Annie Oakley vibe going for her. Truthfully, I unpicked this costume enought times to make it three times over. Unpicking; it's what I do best.

Sage went as a sick cowboy. He really played his part well. It started around 4am when he woke up with massive congestion, coughing fits and lots of vomiting on my bed. We even took a real trip to the Doctor, just to make it authentic, and came home with enough antibiotics for a whole month! Wow, the costume that just keeps on going. The Doc okay'd him to go trick or treating so he didn't have to miss out on the Halloween fun. Here he is in the pick up we rented to go along with his costume...Not really.

Shane went as the husband of the woman who made her kids' Halloween costumes.

These two look like they're about to hijack a train or hold up a bank. There just to cute, I don't think anyone would take them seriously.

We figured the adults would want a treat as well so as a Young Men and Young Women's group we served hot chocolate. It was a huge hit. Here I am bossing everyone around.

Just for kicks, here's what teenagers are wearing for Halloween costumes. This is Jennifer. Isn't she adoreable!

Here's Kristen. She's an Elmo/fairy hot chocolate dispenser.
Here's Mayra lookin' good in a tutu.
Here's the line for the hot chocolate. See, I told you it was a hit.
I hope everyone had a really great Halloween!