Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sometimes when you want something done, you're got to do it yourself

Avery has always been a take-things-into-your-own-hands kind of girl. Case in Point:
I heard from the 1st counsler in the primary (a reliable source) that last Sunday during singing time the music leader needed volunteers. She told all the children that those who were sitting reverently and with their arms folded would be picked. After she had picked several children and time was winding down. Avery piloty stood up, walked to the front of the room and informed the music teacher that she had been sitting quitely and with her arms folded the whole time and it was now her turn. So of course the music leader let her have her can one argue with such logic?


Jade said...

Oh what a good girl. That is too funny. She is such a doll. I really can't wait until you get your camera fixed I wanna see those kids (and you and Shane of course)!

Chandi said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha........

wispy willow said...

I have to agree with Chandi on this one.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha That's so cute! Independant little tyke, eh?

By the way.... tried the pumpkin recipe. YUM! And how much easier can you get than two indredients?
I think the last two ingredient recipe I tried was water and frozen orange juice.

Our secretary at the office is going to try them with pineapple, walnuts, and finely shredded carrots. Then she's going to frost them with orange cream cheese frosting. I wonder?.....

Wayne likes raisins in his cookies so I added a few with the chocolate chips...and walnuts, pecans, macadamia's and whatever else was left in my nut bag. They're really good!

Thanks for sharing.